(Note: These tutorials are meant to provide
illustrative examples of how to use the AMBER software suite to carry out
simulations that can be run on a simple workstation in a reasonable period of
time. They do not necessarily provide the optimal choice of parameters or
methods for the particular application area.)
Copyright Ross Walker 2006
Using Antechamber to Create Leap Input Files for Simulating
using the General Amber Force Field
By Ross Walker
Creating topology and coordinate files for Sustiva
In this tutorial we shall use the Antechamber tools with Leap to create topology and coordinate files for the prescription drug Sustiva (efavirenz). Sustiva (http://www.sustiva.com) is a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) specific, non-nucleoside, reverse transcriptase inhibitor marketed by Bristol Myers Squibb for controlling the progression of HIV infection in humans. The chemical name for Sustiva is (S)-6-chloro-(cyclopropylethynyl)-1,4-dihydro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-2H-3,1-benzoxazin-2-one. Its empirical formula is C14H9ClF3NO2 and it's 2D structure is:
Here is a basic 3 dimensional geometry for Sustiva from which we will start to build our topology and coordinate files.
By all means open this up in VMD and take a look at it.
We shall use Antechamber to assign atom types to this molecule and also calculate a set of point charges for us. Antechamber is the most important program within the set of Antechamber tools. It can perform many file conversions and can also assign atomic charges and atom types. As required by the input antechamber executes the following programs (all provide with AMBER 8): divcon, atomtype, am1bcc, bondtype, espgen, respgen and prepgen. It will also generate a series of intermediate files (all in capital letters).
Let's try using antechamber on our sustiva pdb file. To create the "prepin" file we require to define a new unit in leap we simply run the following command:
$AMBERHOME/exe/antechamber -i sustiva.pdb -fi pdb -o sustiva.prepin -fo prepi -c bcc -s 2
Here the -i sustiva.pdb specifies the name of the 3D structure file and the -fi pdb tells antechamber that this is a pdb format file (we could easily have used any number of other supported formats including Gaussian Z-Matrix [gzmat], Gaussian Output [gout], MDL [mdl], amber Restart [rst], Sybyl Mol2 [mol2]). The -o sustiva.prepin specifies the name of our output file and the -fo prepi states that we want the output file to be of amber PREP format (this is an internal format supported by Leap). The -c bcc option tells antechamber to use the BCC charge model in order to calculate the atomic point charges while the -s 2 option defines the verbosity of the status information provided by antechamber. In this case we have selected verbose output (2).
So, go ahead and run the above command. The screen output should be as follows:
Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/bondtype -i ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC0 -o ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC -f ac -j full Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/atomtype -i ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC0 -o ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC -p gaff Total number of electrons: 160; net charge: 0 Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/divcon Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/am1bcc -i ANTECHAMBER_AM1BCC_PRE.AC -o ANTECHAMBER_AM1BCC.AC -f ac -p /usr/local/amber8/dat/antechamber/BCCPARM.DAT -s 2 -j 1 Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/atomtype -f ac -p bcc -o ANTECHAMBER_AM1BCC.AC -i ANTECHAMBER_AM1BCC_PRE.AC Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/atomtype -i ANTECHAMBER_PREP.AC0 -o ANTECHAMBER_PREP.AC -p gaff Running: /usr/local/amber8/exe/prepgen -i ANTECHAMBER_PREP.AC -f int -o sustiva.prepin -rn "SUS " -rf molecule.res |
You should also get a whole series of files written to your directory.
The files in CAPITALS are all intermediate files used by antechamber and are not required here. You can safely delete them. These files are not deleted by default since they may be of interest if things didn't work correctly. The divcon.xxx files are input and output from the divcon quantum mechanics code used by Antechamber to calculate the atomic point charges. We are not interested in the data here except to check that the divcon calculation completed successfully:
****************************************************************************** * * * DIVCON 99a * * * . . . CYCLE = 431 TIME = 0.400 ENERGY = -120.030094 GNORM = 0.537 GRDMAX = 0.1988 GRDAVR = 0.0429 DELTAE = -0.000057 DELTAX = 0.000029 ENERGY TEST PASSED COORDINATE TEST PASSED GRADIENT NORM TEST PASSED GRADIENT COMPONENT TEST PASSED -- GEOMETRY OPTIMIZED -- FINAL QUANTITIES: ----------------- . . . |
The file that we are really interested in, and the reason we ran Antechamber in the first place, is the sustiva.prepin file. This contains the definition of our sustiva residue including all of the charges and atom types that we will load into Leap to when creating our prmtop and inpcrd files. Let's take a quick look at the file:
0 0 2 This is a remark line molecule.res SUS INT 0 CORRECT OMIT DU BEG 0.0000 1 DUMM DU M 0 -1 -2 0.000 .0 .0 .00000 2 DUMM DU M 1 0 -1 1.449 .0 .0 .00000 3 DUMM DU M 2 1 0 1.522 111.1 .0 .00000 4 C2 ca M 3 2 1 1.540 111.208 180.000 -0.17826 5 C1 ca M 4 3 2 1.386 86.897 -162.979 -0.04968 6 H1 ha E 5 4 3 1.072 120.119 25.599 0.16937 7 C14 ca M 5 4 3 1.379 119.724 -154.668 -0.01913 8 Cl1 cl E 7 5 4 1.742 119.676 -179.857 -0.07512 9 C13 ca M 7 5 4 1.385 120.634 0.368 -0.06683 10 H9 ha E 9 7 5 1.073 120.065 179.750 0.15651 11 C12 ca M 9 7 5 1.380 119.705 0.192 -0.17242 12 H8 ha E 11 9 7 1.076 120.047 179.373 0.14949 13 C11 ca M 11 9 7 1.388 119.964 -0.551 0.10869 14 N1 n M 13 11 9 1.388 121.155 179.940 -0.47390 15 H7 hn E 14 13 11 0.995 120.171 3.766 0.35663 16 C10 c M 14 13 11 1.362 124.462 -166.513 0.84152 17 O2 o E 16 14 13 1.183 123.299 172.521 -0.58069 18 O1 os M 16 14 13 1.338 115.711 -5.631 -0.37631 19 C3 c3 M 18 16 14 1.416 124.597 -18.703 0.31502 20 C9 c3 3 19 18 16 1.543 105.801 -88.841 0.61999 21 F1 f E 20 19 18 1.321 110.093 61.264 -0.22897 22 F2 f E 20 19 18 1.319 110.789 -179.348 -0.23078 23 F3 f E 20 19 18 1.311 111.555 -58.566 -0.21487 24 C4 c1 M 19 18 16 1.470 107.200 154.846 -0.19720 25 C5 c1 M 24 19 18 1.186 179.487 175.816 0.01368 26 C6 cx M 25 24 19 1.449 179.653 -134.955 -0.07873 27 H2 hc E 26 25 24 1.075 114.014 53.214 0.10860 28 C7 cx M 26 25 24 1.507 119.531 -91.769 -0.10741 29 H3 hc E 28 26 25 1.075 116.902 141.614 0.08023 30 H4 hc E 28 26 25 1.074 117.386 -0.494 0.08282 31 C8 cx M 28 26 25 1.489 60.373 -109.125 -0.11247 32 H5 hc E 31 28 26 1.075 118.643 -106.493 0.07951 33 H6 hc E 31 28 26 1.075 118.172 107.331 0.08074 LOOP C11 C2 C3 C2 C8 C6 IMPROPER C3 C11 C2 C1 C2 C14 C1 H1 C1 C13 C14 Cl1 C12 C14 C13 H9 C11 C13 C12 H8 C12 C2 C11 N1 C10 C11 N1 H7 N1 O2 C10 O1 DONE STOP |
As you can see this file contains, in internal coordinates, the 3 dimensional structure of our sustiva molecule as well as the charge on each atom, final column, the atom number (column 1), its name (column 2) and it's atom type (column 3). It also specifies loops and improper torsions. This file does not, however, contain any parameters. The GAFF parameters are all defined in $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/parm/gaff.dat. The other thing you should notice here is that all of the GAFF atom types are in lower case. This is the mechanism by which the GAFF force field is kept independent of the macromolecular AMBER force fields. All of the traditional AMBER force fields use uppercase atom types. In this way the GAFF and traditional force fields can be mixed in the same calculation.
While the most likely combinations of bond, angle and dihedral parameters are defined in this file it is possible that our molecule might contain combinations of atom types for bonds, angles or dihedrals that have not been parameterised. If this is the case then we will have to specify any missing parameters before we can create our prmtop and inpcrd files in Leap.
We can use the utility parmchk to test if all the parameters we require are available.
$AMBERHOME/exe/parmchk -i sustiva.prepin -f prepi -o sustiva.frcmod
Run this command now and it will produce a file called sustiva.frcmod. This is a parameter file that can be loaded into Leap in order to add missing parameters. Here it will contain all of the missing parameters. If it can antechamber will fill in these missing parameters by analogy to a similar parameter. You should check these parameters carefully before running a simulation. If antechamber can't empirically calculate a value or has no analogy it will either add a default value that it thinks is reasonable or alternatively insert a place holder (with zeros everywhere) and the comment "ATTN: needs revision". In this case you will have to manually parameterise this yourself. It is hope that as GAFF is developed so the number of missing parameters will decrease. Let's look at our frcmod file:
remark goes here MASS BOND ANGLE ca-c3-c1 64.784 110.735 Calculated with empirical approach c1-c1-cx 56.400 177.990 same as c1-c1-c3 c1-cx-hc 48.300 109.750 same as c1-c3-hc c1-cx-cx 64.200 111.590 same as c1-c3-c3 DIHE IMPROPER NONBON |
We can see that there were a total of 4 missing angle parameters. Later on we can take a look in Xleap and see what atoms these correspond to. For the purposes of this tutorial we shall assume that the parameters Antechamber has suggested for us are acceptable. Ideally you should really test these parameters (by comparing to ab initio calculations for example) to ensure they are reasonable.
We now have everything we need to load sustiva as a unit in Leap. We just need to load Leap and ensure the GAFF force field is available. Since we can mix the traditional AMBER force fields with GAFF we could at this point load a fragment of the HIV virus and treat this using the FF99 force field while treating the sustiva molecule using the GAFF force field. For this tutorial, however, we will simply load our GAFF sustiva and embed it in a truncated octahedral box of TIP3P water. The TIP3P water parameters are loaded as part of the FF99 Leap script so we will have Xleap load this on startup:
$AMBERHOME/exe/xleap -s -f $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff99
Once Xleap is up and running we also need to ensure that it knows about the GAFF force field. There is a script in $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/ that will do this for us. We can load it into XLeap with:
source leaprc.gaff
Our XLeap window should now look like this:
Now we can load our sustiva unit. (sustiva.prepin):
loadamberprep sustiva.prepin
If you now type list in xleap you should see a new unit called SUS. This is the same as the unit name on line 5 of our prepin file.
At this point we haven't loaded the frcmod file that parmchk gave us. Thus if we check our SUS unit we should find that there are 4 missing angle type parameters.
check SUS
Let's quickly take a look at our sustiva unit and see what atoms these correspond to:
edit SUS
Our missing angle type parameters were ca-c3-c1, c1-c1-cx, c1-cx-hc and c1-cx-cx. These all correspond to propyl ring and the c-c triple bond. This is what we would expect since this type of system is fairly rare in organic molecules. We can now close the edit window and load our frcmod file in order to tell Xleap the parameters for these missing angle types.
loadamberparams sustiva.frcmod
If we now check out SUS unit we should find that there are no missing parameters.
We can now solvate our system and create the prmtop and inpcrd files.
solvateoct SUS TIP3PBOX 10
This will create a truncated octahedral box of pre-equilibrated TIP3P water around the sustiva molecule with a minimum distance between any atom of our molecule and the edge of the box of 10 angstroms.
edit SUS
We can now create our topology and coordinate files:
saveamberparm SUS sustiva.prmtop sustiva.inpcrd
And there you have it. At this point we could then go off and run simulations in a similar fashion to how you did it in tutorials 1 to 3.
Return to Index |
1Wang, J., Wolf, R.M., Caldwell, J.W., Kollman, P.A., Case, D.A. "Development and Testing of a General Amber Force Field", J. Comp. Chem., 2004, 25, 1157 - 1173.
2Jakalian, A., Bush, B.L., Jack, B.D., Bayly, C.I., "Fast, Efficient Generation of High-Quality Atomic Charges. AM1-BCC Model: I. Method.", J. Comp. Chem., 2000, 21, 132-146.
(Note: These tutorials are meant to provide
illustrative examples of how to use the AMBER software suite to carry out
simulations that can be run on a simple workstation in a reasonable period of
time. They do not necessarily provide the optimal choice of parameters or
methods for the particular application area.)
Copyright Ross Walker 2006