(Note: These tutorials are meant to provide illustrative examples of how to use the AMBER software suite to carry out simulations that can be run on a simple workstation in a reasonable period of time. They do not necessarily provide the optimal choice of parameters or methods for the particular application area.)
Copyright Ross Walker 2004

4) Running Minimisation and MD (in implicit solvent)

In the previous section we saw the problems associated with running Molecular Dynamics in vacuo, namely that for biomolecular systems, which exist in a solvated environment, it does not accurately represent the system. One solution to this is to use explicit solvent, which is the subject of section 5. Using explicit solvent, however, can be expensive computationally and thus it is sometimes better to include solvent effects within the force field equations. This approach is termed implicit solvent. An excellent implicit solvent method currently implemented in Sander v8.0 is the Born solvation model [V. Tsui & D.A. Case, Biopolymers (Nucl. Acid. Sci.) 56, 275-291 (2001)].

Use of the Born solvation model is controlled by the IGB flag. The default value for this flag is 0 which corresponds to no generalised Born term being used. Alternative values are IGB=1 which corresponds to the "standard" pairwise generalised Born model using the default radii set up by LEaP (the method we will be using here), IGB=2 a modified GB model developed by A. Onufriev, D. Bashford and D.A.Case and IGB=5 which is essentially the same as IGB=2 but with alternative parameters. For further details see the AMBER v8.0 manual.

In this example we shall re-run our in vacuo simulations using the standard pairwise Born solvation model.

4.1) Relaxing the System Prior to MD

The first stage is to minimise our initial system.  We use the same prmtop and inpcrd files as previously (polyAT_vac.prmtop, polyAT_vac.inpcrd). This time around though we will modify our input file to turn on the generalised Born method (IGB=1). Here is what the input file looks like (polyAT_gb_init_min.in):

polyA-polyT 10-mer: initial minimisation prior to MD GB model
  imin   = 1,
  maxcyc = 500,
  ncyc   = 250,
  ntb    = 0,
  igb    = 1,
  cut    = 12

So, now to run sander for minimisation.

$AMBERHOME/exe/sander -O -i polyAT_gb_init_min.in -o polyAT_gb_init_min.out -c polyAT_vac.inpcrd -p polyAT_vac.prmtop -r polyAT_gb_init_min.rst

Input files: polyAT_gb_init_min.in, polyAT_vac.inpcrd, polyAT_vac.prmtop
Output files: polyAT_gb_init_min.out, polyAT_gb_init_min.rst

The first thing you should notice is that this takes considerably longer than the in vacuo minimisation. On a 3 GHz Pentium 4 machine it takes about 47.8 seconds (over 10 times longer than the vacuum simulation). Herein lies the problem with including solvent in simulations. As we will see though it is often an expense which cannot be avoided.

Lets take a quick look at the output file produced during the minimisation (polyAT_gb_init_min.out). Again you will see that the energy has dropped between the first and last steps:

   NSTEP       ENERGY          RMS            GMAX         NAME    NUMBER
      1      -1.2532E+03     4.7970E+01     6.6837E+02     O5'       321
   NSTEP       ENERGY          RMS            GMAX         NAME    NUMBER
    500      -3.3213E+03     6.1170E-01     3.5734E+00     C5        621
It is worth noting that the change in energy is significantly less than the in vacuo minimisation. The starting energy in the Generalised Born case (-1253.20 kcal/mol) is significantly lower than in the in vacuo case (92.064 kcal/mol). This suggests that simply solvating our initial structure, prior to minimisation has significantly stabilised it. This stabilisation will be even more apparent when we run molecular dynamics on the system.

Again we can create PDB files for the start (polyAT_vac.inpcrd) and final structures (polyAT_gb_init_min.rst). [polyAT_gb_init_min.pdb].

ambpdb -p polyAT_vac.prmtop < polyAT_gb_init_min.rst > polyAT_gb_init_min.pdb

Initial structure = Green, Minimised structure = Blue

4.2) Running MD with generalised Born solvation

In section 3.2 we used sander to run molecular dynamics of our in vacuo DNA 10-mer. We noted that the results were very susceptible to the long range cut off, with no cut off giving us an unravelling of the DNA and subsequent crash of the sander MD program. This instability was attributed to the in vacuo simulation not representing reality correctly. In this section we will re-run the two simulations using the Born implicit solvent models. The two input files we require are:

  1. polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.in: 12.0 angstrom long range cutoff, Generalised Born
  2. polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.in:    no long range cutoff, Generalised Born

We are using the same settings as before, namely we turn off minimisation (IMIN=0). We disable periodicity (NTB=0) but this time set IGB=1 since we want to use the Born implicit solvent model. We will again write information to the output file and trajectory coordinates file every 100 steps (NTPR=100, NTWX=100). Two different values for the cutoff will be used, one run will be with a cutoff of 12 angstroms (CUT = 12.0) and one run will be without a cutoff (CUT = 999). For temperature regulation we will use the Langevin thermostat (NTT=3, GAMMA_LN=1) to maintain the temperature of our system at 300 K. We shall also set the initial and final temperatures to 300 K (TEMPI=300.0, TEMP0=300.0) which will mean our system's temperature should remain around 300 K. Again we will run the two examples for a total of 100,000 steps each (NSTLIM=100000) with a 1 fs time step (DT=0.001) giving simulation lengths of 100 ps (100,000 x 1fs). The two input files are shown below:

polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.in polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.in

10-mer DNA MD Generalised Born, 12 angstrom cut off
  imin = 0, ntb = 0,
  igb = 1, ntpr = 100, ntwx = 100,
  ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0,
  tempi = 300.0, temp0 = 300.0
  nstlim = 100000, dt = 0.001,
  cut = 12.0

10-mer DNA MD Generalised Born, infinite cut off
  imin = 0, ntb = 0,
  igb = 1, ntpr = 100, ntwx = 100,
  ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0,
  tempi = 300.0, temp0 = 300.0
  nstlim = 100000, dt = 0.001,
  cut = 999

We now run the two jobs, remembering to set our starting structures to the minimised structure from 4.1 above (polyAT_gb_init_min.rst), using the commands:

$AMBERHOME/exe/sander -O -i polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.in -o polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.out -c polyAT_gb_init_min.rst -p polyAT_vac.prmtop -r polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.rst -x polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.mdcrd

$AMBERHOME/exe/sander -O -i polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.in -o polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.out -c polyAT_gb_init_min.rst -p polyAT_vac.prmtop -r polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.rst -x polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.mdcrd

Note: These will take considerably longer to run than in vacuo MD did, so it is probably a good idea to just test running these calculations on your machine and then end them prematurely and simply use the output files given below. The 12 angstrom cutoff run takes about 8940s (2 hours 29 mins ) on a single 3 GHz Pentium 4 machine. You can follow the progress of the job by following the output file with the following command:

tail -f polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.out

Input files: polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.in, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.in, polyAT_gb_init_min.rst, polyAT_vac.prmtop

Output files: polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.out, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.out, polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.rst, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.rst, polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.mdcrd, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.mdcrd

Warning: the mdcrd files are over 15MB in size - you can download gzip compressed (5.3MB) versions here (polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.mdcrd.gz, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.mdcrd.gz). You will need to unzip them before use. e.g gunzip polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.mdcrd.gz

4.3) Analysing the results

The first thing you should notice about the two generalised Born simulations is that they both completed successfully. The inclusion of solvent in the model has stabilised the DNA. Lets compare the potential energies of the two runs, 12 angstrom cutoff and no cutoff. We will use the process_mdout.perl perl script.

mkdir polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut
mkdir polyAT_gb_md1_nocut
cd polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut
process_mdout.perl ../polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.out
cd ../polyAT_gb_md1_nocut
process_mdout.perl ../polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.out
cd ..
xmgr ./polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut/summary.EPTOT ./polyAT_gb_md1_nocut/summary.EPTOT

(polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.summary.tar.gz, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.summary.tar.gz)

The first thing you should notice is that the plots are now very similar. The cut off value has made much less of a difference than it did in vacuo. Lets see what difference there is in the RMSd:

Create the ptraj input files:

trajin polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.mdcrd
rms first mass out polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.rms time 0.1

trajin polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.mdcrd
rms first mass out polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.rms time 0.1

polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.calc_rms, polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.calc_rms.

Run the two ptraj jobs with the following commands:

$AMBERHOME/exe/ptraj polyAT_vac.prmtop < polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.calc_rms

$AMBERHOME/exe/ptraj polyAT_vac.prmtop < polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.calc_rms

And then plot the RMSd fits:

xmgr polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.rms polyAT_gb_md1_nocut.rms

Notice how both simulations are much more stable than the vacuum case. You should also observe how similar the RMSd fits are. Thus we see that the use of a cut off here has far less influence on the results. It does, however, make a big difference to the time required for the simulation, especially when we use explicit solvent as we will find in the next section. On a single processor 3 GHz Pentium 4 the no cutoff simulation took 11,540 s while the 12 angstrom cutoff simulation took 8931 s, an increase in efficiency of 22.6 %.

Note: the RMSd is still quite large, however, typically we would want our RMSd to be less than 1.5 - 2 angstoms. We will see in a minute that the use of explicit solvent and more importantly periodic boundary techniques can improve the simulation still further.

Finally, before we move to the next stage of this tutorial, lets take a look at a video of the 12 angstrom cutoff trajectory.

Run vmd (based on vmd 1.8.1):


Open our 12 angstrom cutoff trajectory file. Select:

File -> New Molecule

Browse for the polyAT_vac.prmtop file and then select Parm7.

Then hit 'Load'.

Now select the trajectory to load, in this case the 12 angstrom cutoff generalised Born trajectory (polyAT_gb_md1_12Acut.mdcrd).

Our simulation is in implicit solvent but is not a periodic boundary simulation so select CRD and NOT CRDBOX. When you hit "Load" again you should see all of the frames loaded into the main molecule window. 1,000 frames in total.

You should have a go at playing the video of the trajectory. Notice how the DNA holds its secondary structure much better than the in vacuo simulation. There is also considerably less movement in the extremities. This is the effect of the solvent. You should especially notice the huge change in the structure of the first two residue over the last 20 ps of the simulation. The direction of the chains coil has begun to invert. It is possible that this is a transformation from B-DNA to A-DNA. A much longer simulation would be required to check this, however.

Below is a series of snap shots of the structure vs time:

0 ps

10 ps

20 ps

30 ps

40 ps

50 ps

60 ps

70 ps

80 ps

90 ps

100 ps

Now we have seen what difference implicit solvent makes we can now move on to looking at the issues involved with minimising and equilibrating simulations in explicit solvent.


(Note: These tutorials are meant to provide illustrative examples of how to use the AMBER software suite to carry out simulations that can be run on a simple workstation in a reasonable period of time. They do not necessarily provide the optimal choice of parameters or methods for the particular application area.)
Copyright Ross Walker 2004