Using Leap


% cd prot_setup

Use tleap to create input files for sander

Run tleap to make input files for min/md of the protein alone,create this input file for leap (xleap or tleap): prot_setup.leapcmd

source leaprc.ff03
vprot=loadpdb vm1_prot.pdb
bond vprot.77.SG vprot.123.SG
saveamberparm vprot vm1_prot.prmtop vm1_prot.inpcrd

Run tleap:

Create a pdb file for viewing:

Run a minimization to clear up bad contacts

Create this file for sander input for simple minimization:

Initial minimisation of our complex
  imin=1, maxcyc=500, ncyc=200,
  cut=16, ntb=0, igb=1,

Run Sander:

We will use this pdb file with the minimized protein structure to constuct the system with the ligand.

Go on to Using Leap for ligand
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