% mkdir complex_setup % cp ligand_setup/TAZ.frcmod ligand_setup/TAZ.mol2 complex_setup % cp ligand_setup/taz_min.pdb complex_setup % cp prot_setup/vm1_prot_min.pdb complex_setup/ % cd complex_setup %
% cat vm1_prot_min.pdb taz_min.pdb >vm1_prot_taz.pdb %Edit the resulting file to remove the END and REMARK between the molecules in the pdb file (near the end of the file).
ATOM 4071 O ARG 265 54.492 42.434 17.268 ATOM 4072 OXT ARG 265 55.734 43.387 18.800 TER END REMARK ATOM 1 S1 TAZ 1 31.153 65.859 -7.439 ATOM 2 C2 TAZ 1 29.529 65.121 -7.510
ATOM 4071 O ARG 265 54.492 42.434 17.268 ATOM 4072 OXT ARG 265 55.734 43.387 18.800 TER ATOM 1 S1 TAZ 1 31.153 65.859 -7.439 ATOM 2 C2 TAZ 1 29.529 65.121 -7.510
source leaprc.ff03 source leaprc.gaff mods=loadamberparams TAZ.frcmod TAZ=loadmol2 TAZ.mol2 complex=loadpdb vm1_prot_taz.pdb saveamberparm complex vm1_complex.prmtop vm1_complex.inpcrd go |
Run tleap:
% tleap -f complex_setup.leapcmd
Create a pdb file for viewing:
% ambpdb -p vm1_complex.prmtop < vm1_complex.inpcrd > vm1_complex_initial.pdb
Initial minimisation &cntrl imin=1, maxcyc=500, ncyc=200, cut=16, ntb=0, igb=1, / |
Run Sander:
% sander -O -o complexmin.out -i min.in -c vm1_complex.inpcrd -p vm1_complex.prmtop -r vm1_complex_min.inpcrd % ambpdb -p vm1_complex.prmtop < vm1_complex_min.inpcrd > vm1_complex_min.pdb
E We will use these input coordinates and prmtop to run a targeted md to dock the ligand into the active site where the fragment is located in the xray structure.